Friday, 4 October 2019

Julian Vayne's false claim to have been "initiated as a Master Mason"

The Kidwelly sex abuse cult was the tip of the iceberg.

We now have "Julian Vayne" (a supposed esoteric "chaos magician" - a bit like Colin Batley...) offering phony "masonic initiations".

PLEASE don't be drawn in to this scam. Initiations can be arranged at your local lodge by petition, and will not be refused so long as they are genuine.  Vayne has been petitioning lodges in the West Riding for years but never once has come up with anything to substantiate his claim that he has been "initiated as a grand master" which he so fervently purports.

This is his article, and it is full of errors:

Masons at a regular lodge do not have to memorise the ceremony - there are deacons at hand who's sole purpose is to assist the candidate and make sure that he/she feels at ease during the ceremony.

It really is a worthwhile pursuit, and I should advise anyone who is interested to peruse at least up to the degree of Fellowcraft.

Here is a worrying video by the esoteric expert Nathaniel Harris, about how dangerous it is that the IOT are encouraging children to their "chaos magic" rituals, which are well known to include acts of "sex magic" - which is fine, so long as the participants are all consenting adults.

This worrying article attempts to discredit Nathaniel - and yet it has the hallmarks of a deluded and psychopathic rant.

And here - they really are scared! 

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