Wednesday 22 August 2012

A Kirklees Vampire Strikes Back! With #Blackmail and #Stalker traits.

The "Kirklees Vampire Appreciation Society" - Intimidation and Stalker Patterns

It seems "Anthony Hogg", author of the failed blogs "Diary of an Amateur Vampirologist" and "Demon Fly On The Wall" (both unranked and unlisted in the search engines!), is obsessed with the members of the Yorkshire Robin Hood Society, and is using intimidation from his page facebook fanpage Kirklees Vampire Appreciation Society which is full of nothing but hatred for the Robin Hood group!

Quotes from their facebook page:

Catherine Fearnley, of the Yorkshire Robin Hood Society, is apparently responsible for the closure of a Facebook group dedicated to preserving Robin Hood's Grave. What makes this counter-productive act even more risible, is that she's frequently abusive, herself, as a visit to the YRHS page will confirm.


A visit to your fanpage, Anthony, or your blog, is worse that sticking ones head down the toilet; your site is filled with nothing but dertitus about how terrible the YHRS is, and now your recent blog posts show that you have an unnatural interest - what is your hidden agenda?

You appear to have an unnatural and unhealthy obsession with certain individuals.


The Dying Swan And The Toilet Duck

The vampire and Della are getting ready for a night out. They are going to a private art exhibition.They have been married now,for nearly a year,and already its beginning to get on Dellas[Gareth in ...
Share · Yesterday at 15:44


Please be careful, this is a dangerous person!


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